As an entrepreneur you are always privately connected to your company. For this reason, we also offer solutions for matters related to asset development and asset management, both for your private life and your business, with our DGA Desk. Together with you we can take care of things such as inheritances, prenuptial agreements and business transfers.

Through our DGA Desk we offer a ‘single point of contact’ for entrepreneurs who as a director/owner have to deal with matters in which private and business are closely linked. In this way you can get advice and support in a private, reliable and discrete manner on financial, fiscal and legal matters which relate to your private life, through your own accountant.

Two main lines are central to our services.

  • Firstly, financial and fiscal affairs: capital accumulation and asset management.
  • Secondly, a correct legal structure and support of positions and interests (structures, legal entities, transactions and planning).

Both these aspects are often closely interwoven, so that only an integrated approach is effective. Moreover, this saves costs, since all components are optimally attuned to each other. With this integrated approach, we also provide coordination with your own notary. If desired, we can also work with our own notary (of course with a decent discount).

At the DGA Desk we are happy to help you with the following matters:

Fiscal developments

Fiscal changes, plans and trends are monitored by our DGA Desk and scanned for personal relevance to your specific situation. This way, you are not only prepared as well as possible for the future of your business, but also privately.


How do I arrange my pension as an entrepreneur? Do it myself or otherwise? What are the developments in this and how do I best plan ahead? Because pension is always, and especially for entrepreneurs, a personal issue, we are happy to discuss this with you. So you can choose the best solution yourself.


You think ahead as an entrepreneur. By means of a testament you can specify various matters for later. This is not a one-time action, but it needs to be tested against the current circumstances from time to time. Is it all still well organised, or have the circumstances changed in the meantime?

Estate Planning

In a testament, things are recorded for later. However, Estate Planning continues. Estate Planning is in fact a controlled and phased transfer of assets aimed at the preservation of (family) assets. Amstellanden will gladly help you set up and manage your Estate Planning.


A death is bad enough. Especially in case of an entrepreneur, the impact for the company and the next of kin is great; a lot has to be taken care of.  Not only the (settlement of the) inheritance and the inheritance tax must be taken care of, but also the continuity of the company and the income of the next of kin must be secured.

A testament or thorough Estate Planning can take care of many things in advance. But even when it comes to that, it is good to know that your next of kin can count on the best support from your own accountant.

Transfer of assets

As part of Estate Planning and the testament, provisions are made for (future) transfer of assets after death. Sometimes other situations also arise where it is necessary or wise to look carefully at the transfer of assets. For example between partners, children or in case of donations. The DGA Desk of Amstellanden is happy to advise and support you.

Family statute

The family statute (or family covenant) is a document that contains agreements regarding the company in a family context. By drawing up a family statute, you are establishing a number of elementary issues and this prevents unnecessary discussions (or even conflicts) in the future regarding the family business. This strengthens the continuity and development of the family business.

In a family statute the following, inter alia, can be arranged:

  • Family values, identity, vision and mission
  • Property agreements
  • The procedure for appointing board members
  • Who fulfils which function within the company
  • The dividend policy
  • The procedure for business succession
  • How the value of the company is determined
  • The agreements in case of divorce of family members
  • The agreements in case of loss of directors
  • Management structure and consequences when family members retire

Prenuptial agreements

Through marriage partners commit themselves to each other. This of course also has business, financial and fiscal consequences. Often things are recorded in prenuptial agreements. But times changes, circumstances do not stay the same as they were at the time of the marriage. It is therefore advisable to review these prenuptial agreements from time to time. Amstellanden would gladly help you with this, if necessary in consultation with your own notary or ours.

Private liability (demarcation and limitation)

It is said that Entrepreneurship is taking risks. But doing business at the same time requires that these risks are ‘managed’ (read: reduced). In this it is necessary to keep your private liability in mind. Amstellanden advises and supports you in demarcating and limiting this private liability.


Selling the company

Business transfer or succession

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